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 2022/11/01 Sport Exhibition and Performance – Creation and Arrangement Practice
 2022/11/01 Current Trends of International Swimming Competition – Taking Olympic Player Wang, Guan-Hong as an Example
 2022/12/09 How to Prepare Teacher Recruitment and How to Deal with Administrative Affairs as a Novice Teacher.
 2022/11/21 Modern Trends of Swimming Training – Taking Olympic Player Wang, Guan-Hong as an Example.
 2022/10/20 Sharing Session of the First Place of Taipei Bilingual Physical Education Teacher Selection Test
 2022/10/17 Gymnastics Instruction Module Implementation and Discussion.


Create the Dreaming Sports Show – Art Section


Stories of Rural Experimental Elementary Schools, Welcome to Become Teachers in the Mountains.


The Trend of Sport Propagation’s Development.


Operation Transfer and Operational Practices of National Sports Centers.


 Theory and Practice of Bilingual Physical Education.




 Bilingual Physical Education Workshop.


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