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  • Job Title : Professor and Director
  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sport and Exercise Psychology, Korfball (EMI, IKF Coach Course Instructor Level Elite), Bilingual Teaching of Physical Education, Selective Reading of Sport Literatures (Bilingual), Statistics and Assessment of Physical Activities, Basketball.
  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #63501, #63508


  • Job Title : Professor
  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Physiology, Measurement and Statistics in Physical Education, Tennis
  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #53429
  • Email : exercise@tea.ntue.edu.tw

  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Physiology, Swimming, Table Tennis

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #53428

  • Job Title : Professor and the Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Biomechanics, Sports Training Methods, Track and Field, Taekwondo

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #82041, #55535

  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports History, the Principles of Kinesiology, Teaching Methods, Materials and Assessment, Folk Sports, Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #53425

  • Job Title : Distinguished Professor and the Dean of the College of Science

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Biomechanics, Tennis, Basketball

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #63328, #53426


  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Education, Physical Education, Gerontology, Volleyball, Badminton, Track and Field

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #55538


  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Philosophy, Basketball, Swimming

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #53427


  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Psychology, Motor Learning, Table Tennis, Tennis, Inline Skating

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #63501 #55536


  • Job Title : Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports History, Journal of Sports Culture, Tennis, Badminton, Athlete Career Development and Plan

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #55819


  • Job Title : Associate Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Philosophy, Anthropology of Sports, Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #55534


  • Job Title : Professor and the Dean of General Affairs

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Management, Sports Sponsorship, Basketball (EMI), Weight Training (EMI)

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #82061, #55539


  • Job Title : Associate Professor and the Director of PE Center

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Biomechanics, Volleyball

  • Tel.: (02)27321104  #83411, #55818


  • Job Title : Assistant Professor

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Sports Training Methods, Track and Field

  • Tel.: (02)27321104  #55430


  • Job Title : Executive Officer

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #63503


  • Job Title : Executive Officer

  • Expertise of Research and Teaching : Information Management

  • Tel.: (02)27321104 #63414


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